Mount Komati

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Mt Komati het heerlike "Dankie Sê"-nuus vir die toekenning!
Ons lang Dag 1 roete is nou báie makliker én korter.
Die vermoeiende Zebra ZigZag is nou heeltemal uitgesny en stappers volg nou 'n toetentaal ander, baie maklike, mooi en waterryke roete terug na die basiskampie. Stappers wat beide roetes al gestap het is dit almal eens dat hierdie 12.7km roete nou perfek is.

***Die kampie se beddens is ook geskuif en is nou lekker ruim en gerieflik, slegs 4 of 6 gaste per huisie.

***Daar is ook 'n derde, klein juweel van 'n 3.5 baie maklike kilometer roete bygebou.
Al hierdie veranderings maak Mt Komati nou selfs nog beter as die pryswennerroete wat ons reeds is
(Toekenning: Beste Kortroete 2016)
Doen navraag hier

Mt Komati has exciting news to say "Thank You" for the award!
***The long Day 1 trail has been shortened and made much easier.
The tedious Zebra ZigZag has been removed completely and the trail now follows an entirely different route that is much easier, prettier and water rich. Hikers having done both trails all agree that it now is a perfect 12.7km first day hike.
***All beds in the camp have been rearranged so that the cottages are now very spacious and comfortable; they now only sleep either 4 or 6 guests each.
***A third, easy but beautiful little 3.5km trail has also been added to our current trails portfolio.
These additions and alterations will ensure that guests visiting Mt Komati will now even have a greater experience at this Award winning venue!
(Award: Best Short Trail 2016)
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